Lecture on 1 Corinthians 6
I’m including audio of my lecture on 1 Corinthians 6 from 2003. This is more than 20 minutes of audio, so be prepared for the download times.
I will use a number of standard references, and will cite them in brackets [] by abbreviation. I list the references I expect to cite regularly in the list below. I will expand this list as I work. In cases of lexicons, dictionaries and commentaries, where the particular reference is quite obvious, I will just…
Acts 2:14a, 22-32 Peter opens the proclamation of the gospel. Psalm 16 Celebration of deliverance. 1 Peter 1:3-9 The outcome of the testing of our faith. John 20:19-31 Jesus appears to the disciples and the doubting of Thomas.
Acts 9:36-43 Psalm 23 Revelation 7:9-17 John 10:22-30
I find it very interesting to watch the way Christians handle the ten commandments. On the one hand, they have become an icon of our Christian culture, so that nobody wants to claim that they don’t keep them. They’re regarded as a foundational and basic icon, so we keep trying to make them the firm…
There’s a story today in the Pensacola News Journal about my step-son John Webb and the John Webb Winter Golf Tournament. Great stuff, though I must note that John has signed with the Chicago Cubs this year, so will be wearing much more blue than red! Preparing for the tournament has kept me fairly brief…
Ephesians is such a great epistle, but I want to just mention one verse: So then put aside what is false and let each one speak the truth to his neighbor, because we are members of one another. — Ephesians 4:25 The polite lie is a common means of keeping tempers cool. We do it…