Psalm 100 – How to Meet YHWH

A Psalm of Thanksgiving
1Shout to YHWH,
all the earth.
2Serve YHWH with rejoicing,
Come before him with triumphant shouts.
3Understand that YHWH is Goda,
He made us and we are hisb.
We are his people,
The sheep in his pasture.
4Enter his gates with thanks,
And his courts with praise.
Thank him, and bless his name.
5For YHWH is good,
HIs grace is eternal.
His truth lasts from one generation to the next. — Psalm 100

aProbably better:  It is YHWH who is God, but that seems a bit clumsy in English
bFollowing the Masora

The reason I have chosen the title “How to Meet YHWH” is that we are given several things to remember about God in meeting him:

  • We are his, we belong to him
  • He made us
  • He is good
  • His grace lasts forever
  • He is always truthful

 There are two elements to the preparation to enter:

  • Thankfulness
  • Praise

That’s a bunch of God and essentially one thing for us!

Thus while one can call this a hymn of praise, it also makes a good judgment day Psalm.  You can use it effectively in conjunction with a sermon on the gospel, Matthew 25:31-46.


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