Continuing to Revive my Lectionary Notes

A year ago I began to revive this section by using an RSS feed from my various blogs.  While that approach has improved my ability to communicate my lectionary study, it didn’t really solve all the problems.  Though I call this the lectionary page, the writing on the lectionary is entirely my own.

The articles here will be posted in five sections:

  1. Old Testament, for all passages from the Hebrew scriptures other than the Psalms.  I use the term Old Testament advisedly here, because in lectionary study I am certainly reading the Hebrew scriptures as a Christian, and that means using a christological lens.
  2. Gospels, for all gospel lessons.
  3.  Epistles, for all the rest of the New Testament passages
  4. Psalms for the Psalms and those few select other poetic passages
  5. Combined, for any time I build a theme using more than one passage.

I will continue to try to start posting on the lections for a particular week two weeks in advance so they will be more useful to pastors and teachers.  I would note, however, that for me the lectionary is a devotional tool.  I use the weekly lections because I like to spend a great deal of time on individual passages.  Each Wednesday, I attend a lectionary study with the associate pastor of my home church, Rev. Geoffrey Lentz.

I hope that the results of these studies will be helpful in your Bible study discipline.

The combined feed will still exist, and is presented in the right hand sidebar of this new site.  In addition, I will be posting selected extracts from the blogs so you can get a better idea of what you might want to read.  Here are the feeds that are included:

  • Threads from Henry’s Web (Lectionary RSS Feed)
    On this blog I stick with general topics related to the intersection between the Bible, science, and society. That means there will probably be few entries here, but there will be some, especially in application of the text to social issues.
  • Participatory Bible Study Blog(Lectionary RSS Feed)
    This is the place for exegetical notes and some of the technical issues.
  • The Jevlir Caravansary (Lectionary RSS Feed)
    What’s a fiction blog doing on this list? Here I sometimes place either special paraphrases of the passage, fiction related to the topic, and even Bible stories retold in a modern context.
  • Jody’s Devotionals (Lectionary RSS Feed)
    As I study the texts, they often provide me with fodder for the daily devotional for my wife’s list. Due to her work schedule, I’m contributing to this list quite a bit at this point.

But the key element here is the new RSS feed that combines all lectionary related posts. It is Henry Neufeld on the Lectionary.

Immediately following will be my most current post on the lectionary in full, and links the the most recent 50. At the start, some of these will be very old, but they will become more current as time goes on.

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