Reviews Posted on Two Books from Tyndale
These reviews are on the New Life Application Bible Studies volume on Acts, and the 24/7 Chronological Study Bible. Both of these are excellent resources for particular needs in Bible Study.
These reviews are on the New Life Application Bible Studies volume on Acts, and the 24/7 Chronological Study Bible. Both of these are excellent resources for particular needs in Bible Study.
The following audio comes from a radio program I recorded in 2003. The scripture is Mark 1:1-8, especially Mark 1:4. {audio}mark_1.mp3{/audio}
In Judges 4:1-7, when the Israelites cried out, what did they have to say? With Psalm 123 included along with Judges 4:1-7 in Proper 28 / Ordinary 33 / Pentecost +27, I think we have an interesting possibility for preaching on prayer in trouble. My basic starting point would be to suggest to the congregation…
I spent a good bit of time yesterday dressing up my blogs for the new year. This unseemly waste of time on the merely visual probably came to pass because I’m fighting a cold. I like to keep my three blogs, this original Threads blog, and the two I derived from it (Participatory Bible Study…
. . . at Ancient Hebrew Poetry. I don’t have a post in there this time, but that’s not a complaint–I can’t think of what I’d nominate in this case. I will certainly get some blogging fodder from reading the posts. There are certainly a substantial number of excellent biblioblogs available. Speaking of which, John…
Yesterday I wrote about the senses in which the phrase “bad theology” is used in the creation-evolution debate and in particular on the question of ID. To call something “bad theology” generally requires either a challenge to the internal logic of the statement, or a reference to a particular faith community, because there is no…
Yes! I have found another pretentious title for a relatively simple post! I’ve been following the discussion around the blogosphere about literary translation, which has involved any number of blogs. I’ve been too busy to write about it. I was about to start last night, and then Doug at Metacatholic said part of what I…
Psalm 137 came up in the lectionary for this week. Now there was a time when we would get this Psalm at least with the final verse left out. That verse reads “Blessed is the one who seizes your little ones and dashes them against a rock.” One should understand, of course, that this was…
Peter Kirk reports the passing of C. F. D. Moule. I have enjoyed using his Idiom Book of New Testament Greek. Peter provides some details and related links. He will be missed by the Biblical Studies community.
I have noted before that while Bible classes taught from an academic perspective have been ruled constitutional, I still think they are very bad ideas. Including the Bible as it applies in literature and history classes is appropriate, though it should be proportional to its importance to the field, and should be taught in a…