Genealogy Problems

A few weeks ago someone asked me to post my college paper on the genealogies of Genesis 5 & 11. This was the paper that started me on the road away from young earth creationism. It is actually not very earthshattering, but it did start my thinking.

Some CJB Terminology in Romans

I did my lectionary reading today from the Complete Jewish Bible. Each day I read two sets of lectionary texts, one from the current week, and one from the week following. I try to choose a different version each day, and also read them at least once from the original languages. This week’s epistles passage…

Review of Evidence for the Bible

I sent a free review copy of Elgin Hushbeck’s book Evidence for the Bible to Christopher Smith of Mild-Mannered Musings, and he has begun his review. It is fairly negative but is also very substantive, and it’s my policy to post a link to any substantive review, negative or positive. In fact, I will be…

Dobson is Lying

. . . or so says Ed Brayton on Dispatches from the Culture Wars. I’m not sure if he’s right, though I’m inclined to agree that many conservative leaders will back McCain, especially if Hillary Clinton is the democratic nominee. Ed’s post also brings up my largest concern with McCain–Supreme Court nominations. The conservatives are…

Romney Suspending Campaign

The Washington Post is reporting that Mitt Romney will suspend his campaign, and announce it this afternoon in his speech to the Conservative Political Action Committee. I do love the detail of these “leaks.” According to the story, Romney will say: “This is not an easy decision for me. I hate to lose. My family,…

Reasons -> Intentions -> Actions

When I was near the end of my first four year enlistment in the United States Air Force, I had already made a firm decision to separate at four years, which I proclaimed quite vigorously. But during the last few weeks I read some things about decision making–I can’t recall where–and I decided to rationally… Domain Problems

I don’t know how many folks here go to, but I know a number come here from there. It is my original domain from before I published books. It has a number of essays from my pre-blog days and now serves more as an aggregator and central hub. Unfortunately, we had some problem with…

Myth of Galileo

Joe Carter is debunking the Galileo myth. And a pretty reasonable debunking it is. I’ve read quite a few debunkings of the myth before, and such things are rather important, considering some versions of the story. I’m pretty sure someone in elementary school told me that Galileo was condemned for saying that the earth was…

Mississippi Legislator Wants to Play Nanny

His bill would require restaurants not to serve certain things to people who are obese. You know, those teenagers behind the counter at McDonalds would determine whether you are obese or not. More here at Junk Food Science with hat tips to The Agitator and Dispatches.

The Need for Church Politics

No, I’m not talking about the church getting involved in politics in general, nor about politicians speaking in church. I’m talking about the politics that goes into actually running the church. There’s a great deal of politics involved in the way churches are governed. But I’m not going to call for less–I’m going to call…

Book Meme

I’ve been tagged by C.Orthodoxy with the book meme. Here’s the meme: Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages). Open the book to page 123. Find the fifth sentence. Post the next three sentences. Tag five people. I don’t usually do these, and this is going to be funny, because I happened…