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Is it a Hoax?

Rev. Rob Schenck of the National Clergy Council issued a statement attacking the forthcoming documentary on the grave of Jesus and his family. It was titled TV Special on Jesus’ Grave — a Hoax?. Though I have already commented on what I see is a completely unscientific and unscholarly hype, this is not terribly surprising…

Logos Library Resource on Ancient Israelite History

I got an e-mail yesterday from a representative of Logos Bible Software alerting me to the Origins of Ancient Israelite Religion collection which is currently at the “gathering interest” phase. He mentioned that this package is in danger of not gathering enough interest. I hope those who use the Logos Bible Software and are interested…

New Series on Word Studies

When I divided my blogging between three blogs, I didn’t realize how hard it would be to do. It seemed logical to me to keep all my religion and society stuff here–theology, politics, economics, science, education–do Bible studies at Participatory Bible Study Blog and indulge my love of fiction at Jevlir Caravansary. Well, it wasn’t…

Bible Quiz Score

Hmmm. Having read about this at Abnormal Interests (Is a Better Score Better or Worse?) I decided to take it. I got 100%, though actually I’d give the test only about 80%. Does this qualify me to be an unbeliever? 🙂 You know the Bible 100%!   Wow! You are awesome! You are a true…