More on Evolution Conflict

Ed Brayton has again weighed in on the framing of the conflict over science education. I agree with the way in which Ed has laid out the issues, and strongly recommend reading his piece. As an advocate of sound science education, I would like to repeat some things I’ve said before, but that are often…

A Consistent and Principled Approach

In a poll taken before the last election respondents indicated strong disapproval of congress (31% approve/63% disapprove) as a whole, and yet by an almost equal margin (60%/33%), they indicated approval of their own congressman (Fox Poll 10/13/06). This type of result occurs repeatedly in polls. I’m just using those numbers as an example. Similarly…

Identifying Moderate Muslims

Laura has a short post over at Pursuing Holiness on Pakistan and a move toward moderation legislatively. The particular form of moderation involved is preventing women who are raped from being charged with adultery. Personally, I’m eagerly awaiting the announcement of a moderate stoning, so that I could get some idea what that would be…

Environmental Skepticism Where Appropriate

The Evangelical Ecologist has an excellent post on the value of skepticism in the appropriate place, and also touches on where it is appropriate. He says: There is an important distinction, then, between aggressively promoting environmental stewardship as a God-ordained moral ethic (which it is), and aggressively promoting a particular area of human-derived environmental science…


John at Locusts and Honey, is bringing the Methodist Blogs Weekly Roundup to a close with this week’s edition. John has done a wonderful job of building up the Methodist blogosphere, and I have great sympathy for him as he lays aside this enormous task. I’ll miss the “human touch” in selecting the posts, but…

Chocolate Cat Cake

OK, I don’t usually post this sort of thing, but it’s just too funny. This morning while driving I was listening to a morning show, and one of the folks is about to get married and was having trouble picking a groom cake. He has finally decided to have his two cats done in chocolate…

Methodist Blogroll Change

I have changed the code here to reflect the new Methodist Blogroll from the new Methodist portal. I understand (and observe, for that matter) that the older blogroll has fallen into disrepair, and this new one is being diligently maintained. Many features of the portal are also of great interest, and I intend to use…

Christian Carnival CXLVII

Rev-Ed has recovered from election day activities and posted the Christian Carnival CXLVII. Hopefully my schedule this week will allow me to link back to a few of these posts. My post is from my Participatory Bible Study Blog as usual. Thanks to Rev-Ed for a nice carnival. I divide my posting between three blogs,…

Hebrews: Exercising Confidence

I’ve been blogging about the book of Hebrews for some time, and I’ve also read and intended to link to some posts from Chasing the Wind that I found through the Christian Carnival, but as the book of Hebrews would tell you, you’ve got to follow through! 🙂 But this week’s carnival brought us a…

Voter Turnout Higher – Wow

MSNBC reports that voter turnout is slightly higher than the last midterms and was just a tad over 40%. I have to say that I’m less than overwhelmed. Where are the other 60% of registered voters, not to mention all the ones who don’t bother to register. You can’t tell me that there was nothing…

Ted Who?

John at Locusts and Honey links to an interesting post on Evangelical Outpost that refers to the scandal with Ted Haggard in a dismissive way. Now I would agree that any claim that the Haggard scandal would keep evangelicals home is almost by definition exaggerated. On the other hand, I think such a scandal does…