I Like Sarah Palin
. . . well, pretty much, to a certain extent, as politicians go. But I’m not going to vote for her. Come to think of it, I like John McCain pretty well also, but again, I’m not going to vote for him. I think it is unfortunate that so many Americans seem to feel the…
On Being Anti-Abortion and Pro-Choice
While preparing this week’s Christian Carnival, which I hosted at my Participatory Bible Study Blog, I encounter a post on how Christians should make voting choices, What’s a Deal Breaker?, which is actually the end of a series. In general, this is an excellent article, in my view, because it discusses prioritizing one’s values and…
And the next Christian Carnival will be . . .
. . . at Crossroads.
An Example of Checking Interpretation
One of the things I suggest that people do to check their Biblical interpretations is to apply the same process they have just used to another passage on another issue. You ask the question, “Would my process of interpretation work on more than one passage or is it an ad hoc method used to get…
Christian Carnival CCXL: Just the Posts Edition
OK, that’s a really creative title. That’s why I used it. It is in no way because I couldn’t think of a good theme today. Well, maybe a little. On third thought, quite a bit. OK, so i couldn’t think of a creative theme. Christian Apologetics Jason Hughey presents Suicidal Apologetics posted at Logical Consistency….
Book Notes: The Gospels for All Christians
Bauckham, Richard, ed. The Gospels for All Christians: Rethinking the Gospel Audiences. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1998. ISBN: 0-8028-4444-8. I hesitate to call this a review. It’s more of an interaction with the text, a few thoughts as I read the book The Gospels for All Christians: Rethinking the Gospel Audiences….
On the Troubles of Candidates’ Children
I wasn’t going to say anything about this, because I wouldn’t want to have anything to do with spreading the story any further, but now that it has been discussed in the mainstream media, such as MSNBC.com, I want to make a short comment. I married late, in my early 40s, and picked up a…
How to Apologize
An excellent cartoon at Language Log. If you’re into language and you don’t read Language Log, you’re missing something.
Does God Care about 2% or 5%?
Mike, at The Creation of an Evolutionist, calls attention to an article by Dinesh D’Souza on Townhall.com, in which D’Souza replies to an argument by Christopher Hitchens. Mike says this is worth thinking about, and I agree, but I’ve got some bones to pick with D’Souza’s approach. Hitchens’ argument is essentially that God has been…
Bug Report
(HT: The Christian Cynic in a comment on Dispatches.)
What Decides My Vote (or Silly Experience Arguments)
McCain has just stirred the pot by making an unorthodox choice for his running mate, Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska. Contrary to much of the response on the left, I don’t see this as cynical, though obviously there’s political calculation involved. It’s bold and risky. It is, in fact, the first thing that’s happened since…
Christian Carnival 240 Will Be Here
I will be hosting the next Christian Carnival on this blog. I have already received a number of submissions and I’m working on them. Get your submissions in soon! The deadline is Tuesday night, midnight, eastern time. I’d especially like to invite Christian blogs who haven’t participated in the carnival before to do so. It’s…
I received an e-mail from Joe Carter suggesting that I check out Culture11, of which he’s a managing editor. I’d feel real special, but I know that a bunch of my friends got such invitations as well, so probably Joe was inviting all the bloggers with whom he has contact, which is, after all, a…
It’s Raining Books, Hallelujah!
I haven’t been blogging much for the last two weeks, as I’ve been pretty busy with other things. While I was too busy to get right two them, all four books that I had on interlibrary loan arrived at the same time, one of the unfortunate problems of requesting lists of books. Several of them…
A Forest of Signs and Waving People
I headed out to vote yesterday in the Florida primary. We had contests for a number of local offices. I’m registered with no party affiliation, but there was one non-partisan race that needed thinning out and one race that would be settled by the Republican primary. It was a fairly easy task to fill out…
Logos Blog is Back and Free Commentary Offer
I got an e-mail late yesterday telling me that the Logos Blog is back and advertising a free commentary volume. I find the Logos software to be an essential of my Bible study day, and though I know very little about the commentary series that is offered (Cornerstone), the names involved read like a who’s…
Numbers out of Context
Here’s a quick example from Metacatholic. See how the meaning changes?
Methodists and Evolution
I reported some time ago that the United Methodist General Conference had passed some resolutions in support of evolution and opposing teaching faith based ideas in the public school science classroom. There’s a story in the Fort Wayne, Indiana Journal-Gazette about how this happened and the role of a local church member. I have observed…
He Wouldn’t Be on my Long List
. . . but Barack Obama has chosen Joe Biden as his running mate.
Added to Blogroll: Biblical Theology
The new Biblical Theology blog looks like a good new source of things to talk about from posts written by highly qualified contributors. (HT: awilum.com.)
Anchor Bible for Logos
In comments to my earlier post on the Anchor Bible for pastors, Kent notes that the Anchor Bible will soon be available. One of the best ways to avoid getting bogged down in details is to employ the search capabilities of an electronic version the ability to hyperlink from Scripture references to the Greek text…
Well-Placed Faith
I occasionally write something for my wife’s devotional list, and this morning she needed me to write. I had intended to post this one (Well-Placed Faith) here, but decided to use it as a devotional this morning. It’s some brief thoughts on faith, attitude, and commitment, from a Christian and devotional point of view.
All Comments Accidentally Closed
I’m not sure what happened, but on this blog and two others all comments were suddenly closed. The only common element between the three blogs was one plug-in, and I’m checking to see what may have happened. If anyone tried to comment but was unable to do so, it’s not because I have altered my…
Denominationalism – The Disease
Consider these situations: A Sunday School class for young adults is growing by leaps and bounds. Many young men and women who are not members of the church are showing up just for the class. The church leadership shuts the class down because it is not using denominationally approved curriculum. A speaker who is not…