Openly Discussing Evolution, SDAs, and the UMC
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Openly Discussing Evolution, SDAs, and the UMC

Evolution is one of those issues we often don’t discuss in church. There are actually quite a number of Christians who accept evolutionary theory in general or just a part of it, but quite often they just don’t want to get into the kind of acrimonious debate. Every so often (really quite rarely, all things…

Same-Sex Marriage, Moving Candlesticks, and the Judgment of God
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Same-Sex Marriage, Moving Candlesticks, and the Judgment of God

My instinctive reaction when I disagree with people on major issues is to come out swinging. Despite this instinct, I believe I am called to be a facilitator, to try to help people talk intelligently and communicate effectively about controversial topics. So if you’re looking for a statement about what I believe regarding same-sex marriage,…

The Old Testament: Serious Illness, Strong Medicine
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The Old Testament: Serious Illness, Strong Medicine

I ran across this while looking for something else. Dr. Alden Thompson was the author of the first book sold by Energion Publications, though it was published before I bought and renamed the company. We’ve now published a 5th edition, and this is overall our best selling book. In this presentation Alden using a number…

Thoughts from the Energion Tuesday Night Hangout: Stewardship and Worship
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Thoughts from the Energion Tuesday Night Hangout: Stewardship and Worship

I enjoyed interviewing three different Energion authors last night. The first was Rev. Steve Kindle who talked about stewardship and the importance of starting from an understanding that everything belongs to God. Steve provided some practical steps that a church can use in caring for all of God’s creation. Steve’s book goes into this somewhat…

The Relevance of Atonement Theories
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The Relevance of Atonement Theories

On the Energion Discussion Network we have two essays posted in answer to the question “Do atonement theories continue to speak to the human condition?” The “yes” answer, written by Dr. Allan Bevere appeared yesterday. The “no” answer appeared today, written by Rev. Steve Kindle. I find both of these articles well worth reading. In…