
St. John Chrysostom Quote

I’m reading the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, New Testament, Volume X, Hebrews, and I found this interesting quote from St. John Chrysostom:

St. John Chrysostom

We ought to receive all things with faith and reverence, and, when our discourse fails through weakness and is not able to set forth accurately the things that are spoken, then we ought especially to glorify God, in that we have such a God, surpassing both our thought and our conception. For many of our conceptions about God we are unable to express, and many things we express but do not have the strength to conceive. For instance, that God is everywhere we know, but how we do not understand. There there is a certain incorporeal power, the cause of all our good things, we know, but how it is or what it is, we know not. We speak and do not understand! I said that he is everywhere, but I do not understand it. I staid that he is without beginning, but I do not understand it. I said that he begot from himself, and again I know not how I shall understand it. And some things there are that we may not even speak–as, for instance, that thought conceives but cannot utter. [p. 13]

Perhaps we could all (me especially) do with a bit of humility regarding our knowledge of God and divine things.

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One Comment

  1. This quote from St. John Chrysostom reminds me to trust God to take care of things and be humble. He was a great preacher, teacher and pastor.

    I’m soon to post an essay on Chrysostom’s understanding of the OT character Lamech. See my blog Just Genesis.

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