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Interpreting the Bible III – The Impact of Inerrancy

Update (1/15/09): For those in the habit of reading posts and skipping comments, I want to note that there is an important and substantial exchange of comments between Peter Kirk (Gentle Wisdom), Jeremy Pierce (Parableman), and myself that helps clarify this issue substantially. In my first post in this series, I made the following comment…

My Mother Reads Hebrew

One of my disappointments as an undergraduate student was being told by my teacher, and Old Testament studies professor, that most people had learned and forgotten Hebrew many times.  It’s not my intent to criticize him–he’s one of my favorite people, and an outstanding scholar and teacher–but I was disappointed with the low expectations. The…

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My Favored Translation Method

John Hobbins divided translations into two classes in a recent post. Which do you prefer: (1) a translation that makes sense on its own, without off-site explanation, or (2) a translation that is a head-scratcher until an explanation is given which clears things up, and even then leaves you wondering if you have it right?…

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Loving, but not Recommending, the REB

There has been a good deal of talk in the biblioblogosphere about translation theory, and in connection with that support for the REB.  In particular, I would note John Hobbins post Why the REB is a Great Translation, and to his earlier posts (not directly on the REB but very relevant to this post), You…

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Received: The Orthodox Study Bible

. . . and it’s even more interesting than I anticipated.  This is obviously not the intended review, but I do find the idea of a Bible with a strong flavor of the Orthodox doctrine quite interesting, and the Bible looks fascinating.  The New Testament is NKJV, but the Old Testament uses the St. Athanasius…


Valuable Summary Post on Bible Translation

Brian Russell of Real Meal Ministries has posted a summary on Bible translation that is quite good.  It’s hard to keep things straight in a short, readable essay.  (HT:  Methodist Blogs Weekly Roundup by Allan Bevere.) I would note that he uses the popular rather than any of the technical definitions of “paraphrase,” but I…