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Republican Role: Defend Capitalism?

In an MSNBC story today Senator Jeff Sessions, from our neighboring state of Alabama is quoted: Fellow Alabama Republican Senator Jeff Sessions also opposes helping the auto industry. “Once we cross the divide from financial institutions to individual corporations, truly, where would you draw the line?” Just a second here. Line? What line? Look in…

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Education and Forced Labor or Public Service

Mark has issued a kind of challenge in his things heard post today on Stones Cry Out, regarding the Obama administration’s intent to require public service in high school and college and improve it everywhere else. He points to this post by D. A. Ridgeley at Positive Liberty which quotes Change.gov as saying: The Obama…

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Scientific Study of the Supernatural

In a post a few weeks ago I commented that science could not study the supernatural. Regular commenter Lifewish, who blogs at Metasyntactic, brought up the expected and proper question in a comment: Please insert the usual question here about why precisely it is that “supernatural” effects wouldn’t be subject to science. Are we using…

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Dr. James White Declares me (among others) Evil

No, he presumably doesn’t know who I am, and didn’t mention me by name. But I voted for Barack Obama on Tuesday, and I also voted against Florida’s amendment banning gay marriage. I am a Christian, a Bible teacher who normally spends hours daily studying the scriptures. I found this video by Dr. James White…