James McGrath on James A Herrick

There’s at least one benefit to regularly reading certain blogs, and that is that you get comfortable with the topics on which you trust that particular blogger. It’s impossible to check everything or to read even a tiny fraction of the books I’d like to read, so this is very helpful.

One of the blogging voices that I have come to trust on religion and writing about religion is James McGrath of Exploring our Matrix, and he has just reviewed James A. Herrick’s book Scientific Mythologies. That’s a book that would quite possibly make it to my reading list, and indeed many of the things in the review show that it’s a topic I would appreciate. Yet the result of reading the view is that I won’t be bothering too soon.

The review itself, however, is well worth reading. Words like “myth” and “mythology” get thrown around quite loosely, and McGrath cites quite a few examples of this from the book he is reviewing.

All of which is my very long winded way of telling you to go and check out his review.

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