An Election for the 90s

An Election for the 90s

Our crop of candidates, all parties and all levels are admirably intellectually equipped to guide our nation through the 1990s. As an example, one need only look at the incidents of hacking and the response to them. This is only going to get worse. It may not be the next war, but at some point…

Voting in the Primary

Well, I am a non-partisan voter, i.e. I am not registered with either of the major parties, and today was primary day here in Florida. I had a grand total of two items to vote on: A county commission race that would be decided by the primary, and an issue to vote on. Whenever there…

Courtesy Is not just for the Other Person

Courtesy Is not just for the Other Person

Probably as the result of the political correctness debate—well, perhaps not debate; more brouhaha—I hear or read frequent complaints about an expectation of courteous speech as though it’s an imposition. In order to cater to someone’s excessively fragile sensibilities, the argument goes, one is expected to deny the truth in favor of “political correctness.” In…

No, I Really Don’t

No, I Really Don’t

… have to vote for one of the major party candidates come November. I’m going to take a break from not posting anything political. I haven’t stayed away from political posting because I think politics is bad and Christians shouldn’t be involved. I welcome the involvement of everyone in politics. For me, it is a…