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Science with Pre-Ordained Conclusions

One problem for creationists has been the lack of publications in peer-reviewed journals. In a typical attempt to bypass reality with labels, Answers in Genesis has duly produced a “peer-reviewed journal,” the Answers Research Journal. A major problem, of course, is that “peer-reviewed” tends to imply more than simply that there is a panel that…

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Remedial Math and Reading for Chuck Norris?

In his WorldNetDaily column (HT: Dispatches), Chuck Norris is recommending a reduction in the size of congress. He likes the word “proportional” but doesn’t seem to be able to comprehend it. He quotes the part of the constitution from article I section 2: The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand,…

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Free Speech, Appropriate Speech, and Communion Wafers

The incident in which a university student took a communion wafer from a Catholic church instead of eating it has stirred up an incredible amount of controversy. For background I’m going to link to just three posts, which in turn will allow you to find all the information you want on the incident and probably…

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The Pain of Reinterpreting Scripture

In several recent posts I’ve been referring to the relationship between scripture and evolution, and particularly how I moved from young earth creationism toward theistic evolution not because I studied evolution and became convinced, but because I studied Genesis and became convinced it was not narrative history. At the same time I’m looking at bit…

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The God Exception – Excursus on Theodicy

Theodicy is a relatively interesting thing, and I’m really going to discuss a popular aberration, so those of you who have real backgrounds in theology can tune out, or critique me for oversimplifications. One basic way of stating the entry point for Christian theodicy is that there are three key things we believe about God…