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Psalm 95 and 81: Interrupting Praise with Prophecy?

A few days ago I blogged about Psalm 95 and how I felt that Matthew Henry had missed the emphasis. I’ve mentioned before that my current devotional exercise is to read the lectionary texts for coming Sundays starting two weeks ahead until the Sunday in question. Thus I’m continually reading two sets of lectionary texts….

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Need for Moderate/Liberal Hermeneutics

It is sometimes difficult to discuss scriptural issues involved in many modern debates simply because there is so little explicit liberal hermeneutic. It’s not that there is no liberal hermeneutic; it’s simply that so few people are aware of such a thing, and it’s so badly communicated to people in the pews. Moderates have succeeded…

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Genesis 2:15-17: Nature and Duration of Evil

This is a short note on some implications of evil based on a reading of Genesis 2:15-17, which is the first mention of anything even potentially out of order with God’s wonderful new world. I’ve heard hundreds of arguments in church, including the question of why God would put just one tree in the garden…

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The Need for Church Politics

No, I’m not talking about the church getting involved in politics in general, nor about politicians speaking in church. I’m talking about the politics that goes into actually running the church. There’s a great deal of politics involved in the way churches are governed. But I’m not going to call for less–I’m going to call…

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An Evangelist for Evolution

The Rev. Michael Dowd is preaching a surprising message: Evolution is real and science points to the existence of God. (Source: .) Rev. Dowd also joins the growing group who acknowledge that accepting evolution does impact one’s theology in some ways. I find his specific take interesting. One theme that seems to get someone entry…