Remember the law of God in the night
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Psalm 119:55 – Remembering

I remembered your name in the night, Lord,So I followed your instruction. Dahood (Anchor Bible Psalms III) again has an alternate suggested, based on repointing the word translated “And I kept/guarded/followed.” I remember your name in the night YHWH,and during the watch, your law. I won’t discuss the arguments for his rendering, which I consider…

Psalm 119:47 – Taking Delight
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Psalm 119:47 – Taking Delight

And I will take delight in your commands,which I love. Everyone who loves being commanded, raise your hands. Well, I can’t see the hands over the internet, but I’m guessing there aren’t many. There are only a few people who really enjoy dealing with regulations. We may consider them necessary, but we don’t generally get…

Psalm 119:44 – Keep it Forever
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Psalm 119:44 – Keep it Forever

And I will keep your instruction (Torah) continuallyforever and ever. For another sense of Hebrew parallelism, note the short 2nd line here, “forever and ever.” This is parallel with “continually” and suggests a combined “all the time for all time.” If we hadn’t just read a number of verses in which the Psalmist expresses dependence…

Psalm 119:43 – Power to Speak Truth
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Psalm 119:43 – Power to Speak Truth

Never take the word of truth from my mouthfor I place my hope in your judgments. Tomorrow morning I’ll be leading a discussion of John Wesley in my Sunday School class. The notes in the book we’re using point especially to Wesley’s view of prevenient grace and to Christian perfection. It’s interesting to take these…