Psalm 119:23 – What Others Think
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Psalm 119:23 – What Others Think

Prince sit around and plot against me,Your servant meditates on your statutes. To be honest, my first reaction to this verse was a laugh. Yeah, right, I thought. He really can sit meditating on God’s statutes while he knows people are plotting against him. That thought isn’t entirely wrong. This really is a high-minded, and…

Psalm 119:22 – Reproach and Contempt
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Psalm 119:22 – Reproach and Contempt

Remove from me reproach and contemptfor I have guarded your testimonies. Meditating on a single verse each day means I often get somewhat out of context. But while context is important, literature can easily suggest other lines of thinking. Folks in various classes I’ve taught have called me the king of the rabbit trail because…

Psalm 119:21 – Pride and Staggering
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Psalm 119:21 – Pride and Staggering

You rebuke the proud, accursed ones,Who stagger away from your commands. As with each verses, there are lots of directions my mind goes with this, for example, what it means to be “accursed” and what, in particular, one might be proud of. But the direction my mind went was simply this: Pride goes before destruction…

Psalm 119:17 – Order of Operations
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Psalm 119:17 – Order of Operations

Deal fully with your servant,So I may live and keep your word. There are numerous translation questions, including differences of opinion about precisely what the word I translate “deal fully with” actually means in this context. Another good option is what Bob MacDonald does in Seeing the Psalter: Grow your servantI will live and keep…

Psalm 119:14 – I Have to Be Joyful Too?
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Psalm 119:14 – I Have to Be Joyful Too?

In the way of your testimonies I rejoiceAs over great wealth. Teachers and preachers often say that Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount, was moving the law inside and making it of the heart. And that is certainly a theme of that sermon. But the fact is that the heart was always the object…