
Updating my Bible Version Selection Tool

I have made two major changes to my Bible Version Selection Tool. The first is a new domain. It is now at MyBibleVersion.com. When I found that domain name available, I couldn’t resist paying the few dollars it cost to get it.

Second, I’ve created a simplified version. The new page has drop down box that gives profiles by which to sort and score the version list. These are Neutral (simple list), Public Reading, Personal Study, Easy Reading, Literal, and Dynamic. To the right is a checkbox that allows you to bring up the old 11 item questionnaire. If you both choose and profile and check the “Detail” box, you will get the default answers from that profile for the 11 questions as a starting point.

Remember that the lists of versions are inevitably a little loose. For example, is the NKJV, the ESV, or the NASB closer to the formal equivalent extreme? It depends on precisely where you check it.

Besides the technical changes, the page is now optimized for an 800 x 600 screen rather than 640 x 480. I believe more people now have the wider screens, and this allows me to make the large amount of information presented more readable.

Please check it out and let me know of any errors or glitches. I’ll be testing it a good deal more myself, but there’s nothing like comments from others to help perfect a new page like this.

In the near future I will be creating a feed so that this material can be used on other web pages. Tentatively I’m going to use RSS, though it isn’t precisely designed for this. It does everything I need, and some other publishing/sharing protocols seem to be way more complex than I need.

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