Another Set of Posts on Principles of Interpretation

Since I responsded to a post on principles of interpretation, and Bruce Alderman also weighed in on that topic, I’ve been keeping my eyes open for more interesting discussion.

Today I found a couple of posts by way of a trackback to my threads blog, in which the author notes that he recommends my article to stimulate thinking, even though he clearly disagrees with it. I actually can’t think of a better reason to recommend reading a post, so let me recommend a couple of his on the same basis. Well, let me add that his first principle of “context, context, context” receives my complete agreement, though I disagree on some details. At some point I hope to respond to his second post on interpretation in accordance with the gospel, but I don’t have time right now to do it justice.

As of now, I’ll have to be satisfied with strongly recommending that you read it and think about it.

These two articles are actually part of a broader series. The first is Part Two – The Christian WorldView – Interpreting Scripture, which contains “context, context, context”–enough to recommend it as reading, though I would differ on details about context. The second is Part Three – Interpreting Scripture – Gospel Hermeneutic. I would find a bit more to disagree on in the second, but I believe it is not unrelated to my own view in Hanging Biblical Interpretation.

Read and enjoy!

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