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According to John: I Finished the Work

Tonight (4/2/15) at 7:00 pm central time I’ll be continuing my study of John using the book Meditations on According to John by Herold Weiss. We’ll be working from chapter 10, “I Finished the Work.” This is an exceptionally good chapter to be studying on Maundy Thursday, though I’m going to assume nobody will miss…

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According to John: Excursus #2 – Interview with Dr. Herold Weiss

You can get more details on the Google+ event, and you can watch either through that link, or using the viewer below. I apologize for posting this so late. I will post the YouTube and some comments tomorrow. Dr. Weiss is the author of the book I’m using for this study, Meditations on According to…

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According to John – Excursus 1 – Interview with Dr. Bruce Epperly

Thursday night will represent an excursus in my study through the gospel of John, as I interview Dr. Bruce Epperly, author of the books Healing Marks and Process Theology: Embracing Adventure with God, about the healing stories of Jesus. We’ll be discussing what it means to say that Jesus was a healer and we’ll likely…

Some of My Own Books on Sale (Gospel of John Study)
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Some of My Own Books on Sale (Gospel of John Study)

The advantages of being a publisher is that I can put books on sale to go with posts. Normally I only do that for things on my company page (Energion Publications), but since I’m starting a study of the Gospel of John on my Google+ Page/YouTube Channel, I’m doing it with a few of my…

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Meditations on According to John

Anyone who has made a serious effort to teach from the Gospel of John has likely experienced the difficulty of giving people a clear picture of the connections between various parts of the book, not to mention the frequent allusions to passages in the Hebrew scriptures. One can easily run out of fingers to “hold…