Metaphor of Incarnation

It’s unlikely that anyone has failed to notice that I have spent no time thus far in trying to demonstrate that the doctrine of the incarnation is true. I’ve just been playing with its meaning. In fact, I generally don’t find it appropriate to try to prove a mystery in the first place. Let’s just…

The One-Ended Cord

Some years ago I worked for Radio Shack. One function of a salesman is to match the customer to just the right item or part. An elderly lady, clearly not too comfortable with technology, came in to buy a “telephone cord.” Now at the time, “telephone cord” could mean any of a number of things….

My Current Reading

OK, those of you who are looking for an essay can wait for another post. I just want to talk about a few books that I’ve been reading lately. My reading tastes are quite varied, and normally I surprise someone. I include fantasy, science fiction, mystery, and occasionally some more current fiction in my pleasure…