
A Double Holiday

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day, but it is also just a day before my anniversary. Nine years ago, my wife Jody and I joined our lives together. That year it was a Sunday. We chose to have a Sunday wedding, after the church service, and slipped off to our honeymoon. Each Thanksgiving is thus a double…


Not so Much with the Cabinet Surprises

I’ve been watching television with a certain amount of amusement as various reporters try to create news and then discuss the news they’ve created with reference to President-Elect Obama’s cabinet and other appointments. But what interests me is the great surprise that the president-elect may appoint former rival Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. Besides…


A Tweetable Creed

I provided David Ker with a Hippopotamus, but what he really wanted was a creed that would fit in a Tweet. In particular, he provided the following particulars: If someone sincerely confessed this creed you would: Consider them to be a brother or sister in Christ. Believe that they are true believers and inheritors of…

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Fulfilling Needs or Catering to Wants

The Internet Monk recommends a couple of books in a post titled Recommended: Wicker and Duin on The End of Evangelicalism, and I’m not going to gainsay his recommendation, considering I have read neither. But one comment he made caught my attention: Despite being an interesting read and passing along many good pieces of information…

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Adrian and Dave Warnock on the Atonement

So far as I know, no, they’re not related. Adrian is concerned with the suggestion that anything in the Bible might be culturally conditioned. Wake up and smell the coffee, Adrian! Practically all of Hebrew scriptures is about leading people from here to there. The narrative is built around the exodus, about physically moving from…