Added Caching

Though the number of page views per day doesn’t seem to reflect it, I’ve had some database load problems, so I have added WP-SuperCache to this blog as well. As always, let me know about any problems you may have. This seems like overkill for the traffic on this blog, but if it works OK,…

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Does God Care about 2% or 5%?

Mike, at The Creation of an Evolutionist, calls attention to an article by Dinesh D’Souza on, in which D’Souza replies to an argument by Christopher Hitchens. Mike says this is worth thinking about, and I agree, but I’ve got some bones to pick with D’Souza’s approach. Hitchens’ argument is essentially that God has been…

Database Problems

For those who may read others of my blogs, or some of the other blogs I manage, my hosting provider has been having database connection problems. It doesn’t appear to have impacted this site, but the Participatory Bible Study blog has been very slow and giving sporadic connection errors, and the Running Toward the Goal…