
Time Spent in Bible Study

I’ve created a new poll. I’d like to get an idea of how much time people spend in Bible study, average, per day. This is not really aimed at Bible professionals (teachers, preachers, and such) and many of my readers come from those classes, so that will probably skew the answers again.

This came up for me when we were discussing various things to study in our Sunday School class. One of the criteria class members specified was that they wanted something that didn’t require them to read during the week.

I’ve had similar responses in Bible study classes and in various series I’ve taught for quite a number of classes. Class members will buy a study guide, but often need to get a Bible from the book case in the classroom, and the vast majority won’t read during the week, either from the study guide or from the Bible itself.

With that attitude, there really isn’t much chance of alleviating Bible illiteracy.

The poll is posted in the lower left-hand corner of this blog, as well as in this post.

[poll id=”3″]

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