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Received: The Orthodox Study Bible

. . . and it’s even more interesting than I anticipated.  This is obviously not the intended review, but I do find the idea of a Bible with a strong flavor of the Orthodox doctrine quite interesting, and the Bible looks fascinating.  The New Testament is NKJV, but the Old Testament uses the St. Athanasius Academy Septuagint, with which I am not too familiar.  I’ll probably have my Septuagint beside me as I study!

I did write up a few descriptive notes on my Energion.com Book site.  They are just a description, not an evaluation.

I expect I will be referencing this Bible quite a bit as I work my way through it.

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  1. …I do find the idea of a Bible with a strong flavor of the Orthodox doctrine quite interesting…

    As an Orthodox Christian myself, so do I; but, alas, this is sadly not such a volume.

  2. I will certainly look at some of the links from your blog and your own posts. Since I’m going to work my way through the whole Bible with this volume, I’ll have plenty of chance to object.

    Of course, I cannot do so from the Orthodox perspective, but rather from that of an outsider.

  3. One further note since Esteban did not provide a link to his own comments directly, you can find his roundup of reviews here.

    The type of issues he raises are precisely the reason I will have my copy of Rahlf’s next to me as I work through the Old Testament text. I think it will be an interesting journey.

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