Congressman Ron Paul in the Debate
Too bad he doesn’t stand a chance. 🙁 HT: Quiet Paths.
Too bad he doesn’t stand a chance. 🙁 HT: Quiet Paths.
Here is a good article that barely touches on the technological issues which could impact and be impacted by federal government policy over the next 4-8 years. It’s something that we need to think about, no matter what side of each issue we’re on. And just to remind us of the great need for education,…
The Washington Post has an interesting article on Tony Blair, titled For Blair, a Legacy Overshadowed. The article is quite interesting, looking at the thing Blair accomplished, and what has brought his popularity from a peak of 75% down to 28%. It reflects on human nature that any number of accomplishments can be completely obscured…
I’ve always though that Rice was a tremendously intelligent person but at the same time I intensely disliked the policies she has been advocating. There’s an interesting opinion piece in Newsweek/ by Marcus Mabry that may give more insight into who she is. She built the image the public has of her as an ice…
I’ve posted on this one before, but over the last few days my e-mail inbox has been bombarded by notices telling me that my freedom of speech is about to be destroyed. Amanda at Imago Dei has an excellent post responding to this as well, and that reminded me to say a few more words….
I thought I’d blogged on this before, but I can’t find it. Eleanor Swift of Newsweek is writing about Unity 2008, a group that’s trying to create a third party movement and get on the ballot in all 50 states. The idea is to nominate a presidential candidate of one party and a vice-presidential candidate…
One has to wonder what some politicians are thinking, when one considers the following exchange (via MSNBC): It wasnt so easy for Obama to avoid the firebombs from the two peaceniks on stage. Kucinich upbraided his rival for talking tough about the use of force against Iran. I think that it’s important for people to…
There’s a good article on titled: Fundamental failures led to current Iraq crisis. My arguments against the war have been primarily based no the first point: Lesson 1: Select an attainable objective While the Administration tried to build a case against Saddam on the basis of weapons of mass destruction, a principal motivation, ironically,…
John has an interesting post over at Locusts and Honey titled The Bible, Politics, and Pseudoprophecy. Though there have clearly been some extended exchanges, I haven’t followed them closely, so I’m not 100% certain what John means by Pseudoprophecy, but I think he makes a number of good points. I’d like to comment a bit…
Many of us right now are thinking about and praying for the folks at Virginia Tech. Others closer to the scene are responding as their duty calls them. But it’s an ill wind that blows no one good, and there are two groups of people who thrive on this sort of thing: The news media,…