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Morning Reading – 11/6/2007

I read a large number of blog entries each day, and I never have time to comment on everything I’d like to. Considering how many posts I do write, this may be a good thing. One way to comment without having to write is by linking to extremely good posts, and this morning provided me…

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Biblical Studies Carnival XXIII Posted

. . . at Ancient Hebrew Poetry. I don’t have a post in there this time, but that’s not a complaint–I can’t think of what I’d nominate in this case. I will certainly get some blogging fodder from reading the posts. There are certainly a substantial number of excellent biblioblogs available. Speaking of which, John…

Lingamish Blog Boredom

David (Lingamish) tagged me with a meme I’m happy to get on board with. He asks that I name five up and coming blogs. The problem is there are so many. I’m going to focus on ones that have caught my attention recently. I’m late on this, but I have a good excuse–I was coordinating…

Mid-week Links 10/31/07

Just a couple of really interesting things I saw, but don’t have time to comment on fully: Joe Carter at evangelical outpost does a great take-down on Jack Chick tracts as applied to Halloween. Fun reading. In the best post I read this week, Matt Judkins of Catching Meddlers tells a wonderful story of grace…