
The Multiple Personality Disorder of American Foreign Policy

A number of bloggers have been expressing their solidarity with the Egyptian people today. On that subject I’m going to suggest the words of two friends of mine, Allan Bevere and Bob Cornwall. Yet while I sympathize with the Egyptian people, I am going to comment on something else. Why is it that our moral…

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Satellite Imagery Confirms Myanmar Atrocities

Those interested in the situation in [tag]Myanmar[/tag] (formerly Burma) will be interested in this story from ScienceNOW published by the AAAS. Researchers used high resolution images from commercial satellites to confirm a substantial number of reports of atrocities by the Burmese military. For those interested in taking action, see the U. S. Campaign for Burma.


WP on Blair Legacy

The Washington Post has an interesting article on Tony Blair, titled For Blair, a Legacy Overshadowed. The article is quite interesting, looking at the thing Blair accomplished, and what has brought his popularity from a peak of 75% down to 28%. It reflects on human nature that any number of accomplishments can be completely obscured…