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Evolution, Theology, and Respect

Not Ashamedof the Gospel:Confessionsof aLiberal Charismatic In my book Not Ashamed of the Gospel, I comment that God respects us: God Respects You Some of my more theologically inclined friends may be questioning this one, but God created humanity a little bit less than God (Psalm 8:4), and he allows human beings to make their…

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Resistance to Evolutionary Theory

Why is it that some people resist evolutionary theory so stubbornly? Many times I have used the argument that evolutionary theory is more complex than creationism, and that we are asking people to go against their intuition in favor of the evidence. But the more I think about it, the less I think that is…


Escambia County Wins in Court

In an article titled Park could face extinction, the Pensacola News Journal says that Escambia County officials have closed Kent Hovind’s Dinosaur Adventure Land because of their failure to follow county ordinances. County commission chairman Mike Whitehead was justifiably unsympathetic. The argument being used by Hovind and his ministry is one that is completely invalid,…

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Home and Church Education

As intelligent design (ID) propnents complain about censorship and freedom of speech, one thing is being ignored: They are getting their message out to the public, and any scientist who wishes to examine their data, should they care to provide some, can acquire the material should they desire to do so. In addition, high school…

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God is Creator of Everything

In a previous post in my series on Christian view on origins, Biblical Doctrine of Creation, I listed six elements of a Biblical doctrine of creation. I need to specify this more precisely as a Biblical doctrine of creation based on the Christian Bible and on one or another Christian approach to Biblical interpretation. Excursus…

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AAAS on Hana and Francisco Ayala

The AAAS web site has a wonderful profile of Hana and Francisco Ayala, along with an interview with both on video. Dr. Francisco Ayala states that ID is not science, but it is also very bad theology. He calls evolution the unifying principle of biology, and calls intelligent design “blasphemy.” This is worthwhile listening for…

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Darksyde on Bill Dembski

There’s a new post on The Daily Kos, Know Your Creationists: Bill Dembski, that readers may find interesting. It provides some background, and there are some links to some work on the math in the comments. I appreciate those mathematicians who have deconstructed Dembski’s math. When I first read something by him, it occurred to…