Thankful for the Gift of Suffering for Jesus?
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Thankful for the Gift of Suffering for Jesus?

Because you have been graciously given this on behalf of Christ: not only in Him to believe, but also for Him to suffer. (Philippians 1:29, excessively literally) I’ve been meditating on two texts as the new year begins, Philippians 1:27-30, and Ephesians 5:1-2. I’ve been kind of ignoring this suffering thing so far. But last…

On Dealing with Scandal

I haven’t gotten anything written during the last week on this blog. This is not due to a hiatus in Bible study. There’s plenty to write, and I’ve been writing elsewhere, but I just haven’t gotten here with something specifically exegetical. In the meantime, I wrote a devotional from my wife’s list, titled Handling Scandal….

Notes on Mark 9:30-42

The following notes and references expand on the material I presented in today’s Bible Pacesetter podcast on this same passage, Discipleship the Hard Way. This includes my working translation (not to be mistaken for a polished and final one), some notes, and some additional quotations and references. Translation and Notes: Teaching about the Cross 30When…