I Think I Need One of These
Weaponized T-Rex.
Weaponized T-Rex.
In a sign either that the human species is less doomed than I had thought, or that the heat death of the universe is more imminent, FiveThirtyEight.com reports that The Chicken Dance was banned at 23.1% of wedding receptions last year. The value of this datum is somewhat diminished by the fact that they found…
Students at UC San Diego are trying to solve a really serious problem. (Because of the way this theme works, you need to go to the actual post to get the link. At some point I’ll try to figure out how to change that.)
I had chosen to lead into Isaiah 61 by starting with Luke 4:16ff, but I only got to the end of 4:16, “stood up to read.” I don’t work well with these schedules.
This morning I have: Isaiah 61 as my scripture 45 minutes of teaching time Something’s gotta give!
As a dual citizen, I had to appreciate this: Here are the favorable/unfavorable ratings in the new national NBC/WSJ poll pic.twitter.com/DuYoxV5rbi — Mark Murray (@mmurraypolitics) September 21, 2016 via FiveThirtyEight.com. Note: I read their Significant Digits every day. Great site.
Yes, he had an opinion: To Mary Willis Shelburne (3/21/1955): “We were talking about Cats & Dogs the other day & decided that both have consciences but the dog, being an honest, humble person, always has a bad one, but the Cat is a Pharisee and always has a good one. When he sits and…
This was so good I had to embed it!
Too funny! (Hat tip: Jim West)
With a hat tip to Jacob Cerone. I nearly died laughing.