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What Decides My Vote (or Silly Experience Arguments)

McCain has just stirred the pot by making an unorthodox choice for his running mate, Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska. Contrary to much of the response on the left, I don’t see this as cynical, though obviously there’s political calculation involved. It’s bold and risky. It is, in fact, the first thing that’s happened since…

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Methodists and Evolution

I reported some time ago that the United Methodist General Conference had passed some resolutions in support of evolution and opposing teaching faith based ideas in the public school science classroom. There’s a story in the Fort Wayne, Indiana Journal-Gazette about how this happened and the role of a local church member. I have observed…

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Denominationalism – The Disease

Consider these situations: A Sunday School class for young adults is growing by leaps and bounds. Many young men and women who are not members of the church are showing up just for the class. The church leadership shuts the class down because it is not using denominationally approved curriculum. A speaker who is not…

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Georgia and Ossetia – Asking the Right Questions

I am not proposing answers at this point, because I haven’t had time to study the situation in any detail, but it seems to me the right time to point out some problems with the questions. It appears to me that almost everything I read about the situation with Georgia, Russia, and Ossetia involves ad…

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Forgiving or Excusing

I’ve noticed in recent discussions both online and offline that there seems to be some fuzziness about the difference between these two concepts. I think that perhaps our human tendency is to either excuse or condemn. By “excusing” I mean either minimizing a transgression or perhaps even claiming it’s not a transgression at all. When…

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Edwards: Is Marital Fidelity Strictly Personal?

I have posted before on the sex scandals involving Larry Craig and David Vitter. Now with the admission of infidelity by John Edwards, we have yet another sex scandal. One response, as is often the case with marital infidelity, is to claim that this is strictly a personal issue, one between him and his wife….

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Barack Obama’s Income Redistribution Plan

In a recent ad we hear the following: “A windfall profits tax on big oil to give families a thousand-dollar rebate,” an announcer in the ad says. (Source: MSNBC.com.) The entire energy debate seems to have become a pandering game, with each candidate dulling any responsible suggestions he might make with various bribes to the…