Free Copy of The Mosaic Bible
… Tyndale has provided me with a certificate to award in a contest over on my Participatory Bible Study blog.
… Tyndale has provided me with a certificate to award in a contest over on my Participatory Bible Study blog.
They’re looking for people who resell recalled items. To be fair, I must note that they’re paying the most attention to the big boys, like Goodwill. (HT: The Agitator)
Sky McCracken thinks we may not, and has some good thoughts on the matter.
… at Parableman. An exceptionally good selection of reading, and I’d say that even if I didn’t have a post in there!
Darrell Pursiful at Dr. Platypus is requesting short definitions from those who accept or use the language of inerrancy in describing the Bible. Shorter, definitely, than the Chicago statement. Though I don’t qualify, even though my definition of inspiration has been called inerrancy, I thought I’d pass this on.
This is an announcement from my company, but the technology is very interesting. Books on demand has gone to a new level.
I’ve long thought that the major problem of the media was not so much bias (though bias is evidence) but shallowness. Today Allan Bevere said it much better.
Doug Rea says all churches should be seeker sensitive, but who is seeking?
Elgin Hushbeck has written a response to my post Not Hating Sarah Palin, but with no trackback, I’m assuming some people may miss his response. While he didn’t change my mind, he deserves a response, but I don’t know how soon I’ll get back to the topic so as to write one. In the meantime,…