
Origen: Threefold Understanding of Scripture

My reading today in Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, X, Hebrews was unusually rich, commenting on Hebrews 10:1-11.  This is the first of three extracts.  As usual, I’m taking these from CCEL and I urge you to support them as you can.

The way, then, as it appears to us, in which we ought to deal with the Scrip­tures, and extract from them their mean­ing, is the following, which has been ascer­tained from the Scriptures themselves.  By Solomon in the Proverbs we find some such rule as this enjoined respecting the divine doctrines of Scripture:

“And do thou portray them in a threefold manner, in counsel and knowledge, to answer words of truth to them who propose them to thee.” [reference to Proverbs 22:20-21, but the usage is a bit obscure-HN]

 The individual ought, then, to portray the ideas of holy Scripture in a threefold manner upon his own soul; in order that the simple man may be edified by the “flesh,” as it were, of the Scripture, for so we name the obvious sense; while he who has ascended a certain way (may be edified) by the “soul,” as it were.  The perfect man, again, and he who resem­bles those spoken of by the apostle, when he says, “We speak wisdom among them that are perfect, but not the wisdom of the world, nor of the rulers of this world, who come to nought; but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom, which God hath ordained before the ages, unto our glory,” (may receive edification) from the spiritual law, which has a shadow of good things to come.  For as man consists of body, and soul, and spirit, so in the same way does Scripture, which has been arranged to be given by God for the salvation of men. …

(On First Principles 4.I.II)


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