Finally Some Cover on Multiple Reading!

Joe Carter at the evangelical outpost has written a post titled How to Change Your Mind. I’m not going to steal the thunder of his post, other than to say that it deals with reading passages multiple times.

I have long been recommending reading a book of the Bible, or any passage you are about to study (to include a decent amount of context, and a logical selection) twelve times before going on to detailed study. I tell classes and study groups, normally over the shocked looks and nervous laughter that if they will follow this advice they will get an incredible blessing.

The method Joe Carter is recommending is not precisely the same as mine. He’s talking about a slightly different number of times, though I’ll note that I tell people that they will get some significant blessing from increasing the number of times. I learned my method from my mother and have added to it.

I outline my method in the post Reading Twelve Times. I’ve been following this method for some years, and I absolutely promise you that whether you follow the reading plan Joe Carter laid out, or the one I lay out, and do so systematically, it will change your mind.

There is no “lite” reading plan that will allow you to know the scriptures. It requires time, concentration, and effort.

So since I’ve been saying this for years to shock and laughter, I thank Joe Carter for helping provide me some cover. I’m not the only one crazy, and blessed, enough to do it!

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