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Patience for the Nuts and Bolts

Last night I attended a Bible study in which my pastor was teaching on Romans 1:22-32.  If that verse selection doesn’t fully make sense to you, consider that he was simply following up from the point at which he stopped the prior week. My pastor is Dr. Wesley Wachob, an accomplished exegete.  One of the…


More Study Bible Comparisons – Introduction to Romans

I haven’t written on this for a bit, and I wanted to note some differences between three of the major study Bibles I use in terms of introductions to books.  I’m studying Romans right now, so I thought I’d compare there. In comparing words, I get myself a quick approximation of the average line length…


Reading 11/12/07

Update: Edited to correct the date in the header from 10/12/07 to 11/12/07. I truly have not invented a time machine! Here’s some things that caught my attention: Richard Rice Discusses Open Theism20 years ago I read his book The Openness of God when it was first released. I was intrigued by its ideas of…