Why I Publish Books by and for Seventh-day Adventists
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Why I Publish Books by and for Seventh-day Adventists

This may seem like a simple question. A better one might be, “Why not?” Some Prefatory Remarks Seventh-day Adventists (SDAs) are often misunderstood, which complicates the issue. If I had transferred my membership from a Presbyterian church, for example, to a United Methodist congregation, it’s unlikely anyone would ask me why I maintain relationships with…

Sending out Rejections

As an editor and publisher, I often have the joy of telling an author that their work will become available to the public, because I have decided to invest in it and publish it. That’s very enjoyable. Then there are the times that I have to reject manuscripts. There are more of these than acceptances….

Can Liberal and Conservative Christians Meet Anywhere?

Can Liberal and Conservative Christians Meet Anywhere?

One of my goals as a publisher is to see people from various streams of Christianity talk to one another and learn from one another. I used the labels “liberal,” “charismatic,” and “evangelical” in the home video I made early in the history of my publishing company, Energion Publications. I’m embedding it here for those…

A Temperate Comment on the Mark Driscoll Controversy

I like the tone of this article by Andy Crouch in Christianity Today. I’m concerned about the concentration of Christian thinking, preaching, teaching, and writing in the hands of Christian celebrities. I think Crouch makes some good points. As a Christian publisher myself (Energion Publications), I don’t intend to comment on the details of this…