KJV Better than Originals?
John Byron comments on a web site that makes that suggestion. One of the champions of this bizarre position, Peter Ruckman, preaches just down the road.
John Byron comments on a web site that makes that suggestion. One of the champions of this bizarre position, Peter Ruckman, preaches just down the road.
Every so often a KJV-Only advocate comes by this blog to comment. They normally don’t hang around long, but I occasionally feel inclined to respond. I like to tolerate and even celebrate other points of view, but I don’t make an idol of it; it’s one value, not the value. KJV-Only is one of those…
For a video that includes nothing but me talking and some amateur (by me) captions, my Why I Hate the KJV video has done well on YouTube. With 3563 viewings as of the time I’m posting this, and 231 comments. I must confess that I have not paid much attention to the comments thread, because…
I will probably have to repent for posting this, but I can’t resist. Post in haste, repent at leisure–probably much leisure.
I received the following comment on YouTube responding to my video Why I Hate the KJV.