Thursday Night Study: Paul’s Eschatology with Dr. Herold Weiss

Thursday Night Study: Paul’s Eschatology with Dr. Herold Weiss

On Thursday night I’ll be interviewing Dr. Herold Weiss, author of Meditations on According to John and the forthcoming Meditations on the Letters of Paul, to be released this week. We’ll be talking about Paul’s eschatology and how critical it is to understanding Paul’s theology. Google+ Event Link YouTube Viewer:

Some Eschatology Sources
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Eschatology: Surveying Symbols and Sources

Tonight I’m giving myself permission to ramble in my presentation. “How will that be different?” you ask. I would imagine largely in that I won’t feel guilty while I ramble! There are few areas that demonstrate differences in views of biblical inspiration and interpretation than eschatology, whether we mean end-time events or our own end-of-life…