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Guard Your Mind

20My child, pay attention to my words, Listen closely to my sayings. 21Don’t let them escape from your sight, Guard them deep in your mind. 22For those who find them find life, They bring healing to the whole person. 23Above everything guard your mind*, Because from it flows your life. 24Turn your mouth away from…

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Moral Absolutes

Most of the time I read the evangelical outpost to keep me up to date on intelligent conservative thinking. I can disagree with Joe Carter, and often do, but I never call him stupid. Today, however, he hit on an important topic–absolute truth. Now I’m all in favor of humility about our personal knowledge about…

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Social Darwinism and the Theory of Evolution

Science Avenger has an excellent article on the connection, or rather lack of a logical connection, between the theory of evolution and social Darwinism (for the third time today, HT: Dispatches). Evolution is a scientific theory. It explains why many facts are what they are. It can never tell us what we should do about…