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Mixed Emotions about Sweden

I read this news article from Sweden with mixed emotions (HT: Panda’s Thumb). My first reaction is negative. Since these schools are faith based, it seems appropriate to me that they teach from the perspective of the faith involved in sponsoring the school. I relate this to my own experience being home schooled and being…

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Theisms, Creationisms, and Evolutionisms: An Exercise in Definition

The debate about labels is one of the most interesting aspects of the creation-evolution controversy to me, and at the same time one of the most frustrating. Since my primary training is in Biblical languages, and by my own efforts in linguistics, the way words are used simply fascinates me. There is plenty of influence…

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Defining my Position on ID and Creation

A couple of questions have arisen about my position on these issues, and though I’ve stated all these things before, they have generally been in longer presentations. So I’m going to try to state my position. I see three easily demarcated positions on design: The universe is designed as a fully functional system, and the…


The Common Thread in Modern Creationism

It’s hard for me to work with the terms “creationist,” “creationism,” and “evolutionist,” because if I’m completely honest I consider myself to be a creationist who accepts the theory of evolution. The two do not clash in my mind in any way. The term “evolutionist” seems to suggest that I accept evolution as some sort…

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Creation-Evolution Links 9/24/07

Here are a few links related to the creation-evolution controversy that I saw over the weekend, with only short comments. Besides consorting with prostitutes and lying about it, Senator [tag]David Vitter[/Tag] of Louisiana appears to have taken up the cause of federal funding for creationists. Now we not only get to have our public school…

Danger in Silence

There’s an excellent, thoughtful post on An Evangelical Dialog on Evolution, titled When the Acceptance of Biological Evolution has Personal or Professional Repercussions. I think this strikes closer home to those who are evangelicals in the United States, because their institutions are more likely to be subject to fundamentalist pressure on the issue of [tag]evolution[/tag]….