Christmas Is 12 Days

Christmas Is 12 Days

I should have posted something earlier, but stuff happens. Let me recommend some books for continued meditations, these from Energion Publications (and several other publishers!) Bruce Epperly. Links are to I recommend Bruce as an author and teacher because he challenges me with unexpected views on so many subjects, always presented in a positive…

Can We Cure Christian Insanity?
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Can We Cure Christian Insanity?

Albert Einstein is frequently credited, incorrectly, with saying that insanity is repeatedly doing the same thing but expecting different results. Repeatedly point out that the attribution is incorrect is likely a form of insanity, as it will doubtless still be attributed to Albert Einstein. (You can read the details on the Quote Investigator.) I like…

Ignoring the Biblical Teaching about Greed
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Ignoring the Biblical Teaching about Greed

On a variety of subjects I regularly hear about how people ignore the plain teaching of scripture. I’d like to take away the phrases “the Bible clearly teaches” and “the plain teaching of scripture” from conservatives, while taking “we don’t take that literally” away from liberals. Then maybe we could get around to discussing the…