Ignoring the Biblical Teaching about Greed
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Ignoring the Biblical Teaching about Greed

On a variety of subjects I regularly hear about how people ignore the plain teaching of scripture. I’d like to take away the phrases “the Bible clearly teaches” and “the plain teaching of scripture” from conservatives, while taking “we don’t take that literally” away from liberals. Then maybe we could get around to discussing the…

Thoughts from the Energion Tuesday Night Hangout: Stewardship and Worship
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Thoughts from the Energion Tuesday Night Hangout: Stewardship and Worship

I enjoyed interviewing three different Energion authors last night. The first was Rev. Steve Kindle who talked about stewardship and the importance of starting from an understanding that everything belongs to God. Steve provided some practical steps that a church can use in caring for all of God’s creation. Steve’s book goes into this somewhat…

Last Night on the Tuesday Night Energion Hangout: Stewardship
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Last Night on the Tuesday Night Energion Hangout: Stewardship

Pastors and church leaders cringe at the “s” word, because so many members don’t want to hear about it. Sometimes they blame the members for not wanting to dedicate their wallets to the Lord. But is that precisely what we should be asking church members to do? I think the resources to carry out the…

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Believing in Private Charity

Today is Blog Action Day, and though I didn’t get around to formally participating, I’m going to write a short post on dealing with poverty from a Christian perspective. I’m feeling idealistic, so beware! Since I first started thinking about issues of poverty, way back when I was a teenager (and fish were just working…

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Guard Your Mind

20My child, pay attention to my words, Listen closely to my sayings. 21Don’t let them escape from your sight, Guard them deep in your mind. 22For those who find them find life, They bring healing to the whole person. 23Above everything guard your mind*, Because from it flows your life. 24Turn your mouth away from…

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The Right Type of Accountability

I’m an advocate of accountability, especially in church matters and our spiritual lives. I think it makes for wiser decision making and greater likelihood that we will carry out our goals. Accountability can come in many forms, from very formalized, such as an accountability group that meets regularly in which you question one another’s spiritual…

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Time for Church Accountability

Quite frequently I receive appeals for funds from various ministries. This is probably because I head an all-volunteer ministry, Pacesetters Bible School, Inc. and thus am readily connection with Christianity, non-profits, and thus charitable contributions. Now I have no problem with charitable organizations making appeals for funds, though my group limits appeals to people who…