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Chuck Colson says Scripture Commands Limited Government

Chuck Colson writes a guest column at the Christian Post, in which he argues in favor of limited government from the Bible. In it, he tells the story of a friend of his who bought some property to create a children’s camp for inner city children, surely a most desirable goal. Over the next two…

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Resident Alien, Agent of a Foreign Power, Patriot

I planned to post this yesterday, but both work and family intervened, leaving me with insufficient time to complete the task. Work involved family as I helped my brother with a computer problem at his office. Family was in the form of listening to my stepson play baseball via the internet, as the Pensacola Pelicans…

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Flip-Flopping with Integrity

I an earlier post, Public Financing, Integrity, and Mixed Emotions I discussed my mixed emotions on Barack Obama’s flip-flop on public financing. I dislike public financing of campaigns, and it’s nice to see the system receive a body blow, but at the same time, I have a serious problem with Obama’s action. Before someone thinks…

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Public Financing, Integrity, and Mixed Emotions

Barack Obama has opted out of public financing for his presidential campaign. I greet this event with mixed emotions. On the one hand, Obama said that he would accept public financing and the limits that go with it. He is a supporter (or so he says) of public financing. Thus there is a question of…