Voter Ignorance

  A Kaiser poll (pdf) finds that 22% of respondents believe the health care reform bill has been repealed, and another 26% don’t know. (HT: Dispatches and The Daily Dish) Now I realize that the majority in the poll do realize, correctly, that the health care bill is still law. But consider that even the…

Cameras in Public Places

There are three issues I’ve been wanting to comment on, but because I see all three as related, I’ve been looking for the right moment. I think this story, about cops caught on speed and red light cameras, gives me the right opportunity. The three issues are: Videotaping (or otherwise recording) police performing their duties…

Need a License to be Smart?

Apparently Kevin Lacy, chief traffic engineer for the North Carolina DOT thinks you do. When a citizens group challenged his decision on a couple of traffic lights, and provided substantiating data they collected and compiled themselves, he said it was “engineering-level work” and reported it to the state licensing board. This one speaks for itself,…

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On Cutting Spending and Investment

Mark at Pseudo-Polymath links to this post on Rand Paul’s ideas for cutting the budget, using the line: “Someone is forgetting that the left prefers social entitlements to science programs.” I think Mark has a good point, but not the best point. This illustrates one of the reasons I oppose across-the-board spending cuts. Some argue–and…


The Multiple Personality Disorder of American Foreign Policy

A number of bloggers have been expressing their solidarity with the Egyptian people today. On that subject I’m going to suggest the words of two friends of mine, Allan Bevere and Bob Cornwall. Yet while I sympathize with the Egyptian people, I am going to comment on something else. Why is it that our moral…