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What Decides My Vote (or Silly Experience Arguments)

McCain has just stirred the pot by making an unorthodox choice for his running mate, Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska. Contrary to much of the response on the left, I don’t see this as cynical, though obviously there’s political calculation involved. It’s bold and risky. It is, in fact, the first thing that’s happened since…

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Edwards: Is Marital Fidelity Strictly Personal?

I have posted before on the sex scandals involving Larry Craig and David Vitter. Now with the admission of infidelity by John Edwards, we have yet another sex scandal. One response, as is often the case with marital infidelity, is to claim that this is strictly a personal issue, one between him and his wife….

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Barack Obama’s Income Redistribution Plan

In a recent ad we hear the following: “A windfall profits tax on big oil to give families a thousand-dollar rebate,” an announcer in the ad says. (Source: MSNBC.com.) The entire energy debate seems to have become a pandering game, with each candidate dulling any responsible suggestions he might make with various bribes to the…

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Chuck Colson says Scripture Commands Limited Government

Chuck Colson writes a guest column at the Christian Post, in which he argues in favor of limited government from the Bible. In it, he tells the story of a friend of his who bought some property to create a children’s camp for inner city children, surely a most desirable goal. Over the next two…

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Flip-Flopping with Integrity

I an earlier post, Public Financing, Integrity, and Mixed Emotions I discussed my mixed emotions on Barack Obama’s flip-flop on public financing. I dislike public financing of campaigns, and it’s nice to see the system receive a body blow, but at the same time, I have a serious problem with Obama’s action. Before someone thinks…