Expelled! Humor

This is simply too funny. Put down your coffee. Chew and swallow whatever food you may have put in your mouth. OK. Ready. Go read this post on Panda’s Thumb. [Don’t read on until you’ve read the linked post.] I’ve been amused at the way the producers have been promoting Expelled!, annoyed by the way…

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Florida and Academic Freedom Follies

The Florida Citizens for Science blog has a post summing up the current situation with creationist bills in the Florida legislature. FCFS communication director Brandon Haught shows how the bill in the Florida Senate is essentially taken directly from the Discovery Institute’s web site. What is the purpose of these bills? Academic freedom is not…


From YEC to Theistic Evolutionist

Since I’ve made this journey myself, I’m always on the alert for other stories of similar journeys. It’s interesting that I’ve found many more such stories amongst those studying science. On the religion side, it’s generally those who studies nuts and bolts material (textual criticism, history, archeology, and so forth) who start to see holes…

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Florida Adopts Compromise Science Standards

The Florida Board of Education voted 4-3 today to add the words “scientific theory of” before the word evolution in the standards. It was my understanding that the phrase would be added also before every scientific theory in the standards if this was done, but I don’t yet know if that is the case. The…