Comment Moderation

I combined two errors in my moderation queue. On my Threads from Henry’s Web blog I only moderate comments that have certain indicators for spam. I have thus far only seen one valid comment sent to moderation. Unfortunately I wasn’t paying attention when setting up this blog and both turned on stronger moderation and entered…

New Categories

I dislike multiplying categories, but in trying to sort through the amount of material I have on this site, and in looking ahead at what I have planned, I think it will be too hard to find any of the older posts without some more detailed categories. I will try to go through all the…


Welcome to Threads from Henry’s Web. I am starting this blog to replace the series of essays that I have been posting on my web site. The blog format brings me kicking and sceaming into the 21st centry. All kicking and screaming aside, it will allow me to create new essays more easily, and also…