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  1. I am not an expert in Biblical criticism, but could it be that the writing in Ephesians is different from that of Galatians because Paul, not having to be in an apologetics mode, could allow his thoughts to flow through his pen onto the page without the feelings of defensiveness, without fear of counter attack? However, if Paul did not write Ephesians, it must certainly have been someone who had accepted his gospel, and been endowed with double portion of the Spirit that inspired him. In that connection I have often wondered, as I read Melancthon, what we might have learned from Martin Luther, as well as Paul, had not they been forced to always be on the front lines of battle. I think of Luther as a mighty rushing cataract, a warrior, sweeping away centuries of the false; while Melancthon, like a good shepherd, with stones forming gentle, still pools of water so that the lambs and sheep can drink safely. To me this represents the difference we see in the writings of Galatians and Ephesians.

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